lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

Saint Patrick´s Day!

Hi everybody!

La entrada de hoy va especialmente dedicada a los de 5º de Primaria. Como os he explicado hoy, las dos sesiones de inglés que nos quedan esta semana, las vamos a dedicar a una festividad irlandesa, St Patrick´s Day.

Ahora os voy a explicar de una manera clara lo más importante de esta fiesta, para que cada uno de vosotr@s le dediquéis en vuestros blogs una entrada. Además, os propondré una serie de enlace para facilitaros la tarea.

Saint Patrick´s Day is an Irish holiday celebrated all around the world. It´s celebrated on March 17th. It commemorates the death os St. Patrick, the saint patron of Ireland

Who was St Patrick?
He was born in the latest half of the 4th Century AD in Scotland or Roman England. When he was a child, a band of pirates kidnapped him and sold him into slavery in Ireland. He had a first dream, that people of France were calling him. He went to France and became a priest, and then a bishop. He had another dream, that the people of Ireland needed him to tell hem about God. His mission in Ireland lasted around thirty years. He died on March 17 th

What are the main symbols?
  • Shamrock: It´s a three-leafed clover. Saint Patrick used it to illustrate the doctrine of the Trinity (the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit) when he wanted to convert pagans to Christianity. The Irish have considered them as good luck symbols.
  • Leprechaun: It is an Irish fairy who looks like a shoemaker. It looks like an old man, very small. They live alone and they are very unfriendly and grumpy. The have a hidden pot of gold.
  • Green: It is the colour of the shamrock, the colour of spring and the colour of nature and hope. It also brings good luck on St Patrick´s Day
Why do people celebrate Saint Patrick´s Day nowadays?
Nowadays Saint Patrick is celebrated with parades and festival in Ireland, particularly in Dublin and Limerick; and in other countries, like England or North America.

Os dejó diferentes enlaces webs que os pueden servir para vuestra entrada del blog dedicada a esta festividad.

Espero que os haya gustado la entrada y os esforcéis en hacer la vuestra.
See you!
Happy St.Patrick´s Day!

1 comentario:

  1. Hola. Soy Carolina de 5ºB:
    Gracias, seño, por esta entrada, me ha servido de mucha ayuda para hacer mi entrada en el blog, la he echo en ingles, me ha llevado tiempo, espero que te guste. Un saludo de tu alumna:
